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Film graduate opportunities Post-university film projects Film industry support for graduates Creative film collaborations
Film graduate opportunities Post-university film projects Film industry support for graduates Creative film collaborations
Film graduate opportunities Post-university film projects Film industry support for graduates Creative film collaborations


1,240 HOURS

10,000 HOURS

"It takes 10,000 hours of practice to become a professional"

By graduation, most students have accumulated approximately 1,240 hours of experience in their chosen field. This is a lot of time, but there is still much more for graduates to learn and a lot more experience they need to gain before they consider themselves professionals. We aim to help graduates continue practising their craft through workshops, masterclasses and practical experience, so they can improve upon skills learnt at university. 

By 2029, we want to establish connections with three universities and be in the process of expanding. We will be hosting monthly online/in-person events for graduates with guest speakers; we aim to have 200 monthly subscribers by this point. We will also have 3 short films fully funded and produced by our graduates and an active social media presence.

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